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‘From their own words’: A co-produced study interpreting children and young people's experiences of emotional abuse and neglect expressed in anonymous, online peer-peer message forums
Child Abuse Review ( IF 2.086 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-21 , DOI: 10.1002/car.2818
Vanessa Bennett 1 , Chloe Gill 2 , Pam Miller 2 , Clara Sayers 3 , Jane V. Appleton 4 ,

This naturalistic study researched online help-seeking conversations between children and young people (CYP) experiencing emotional abuse and/or neglect and their peers. We believe this is the first study internationally to perform such research. Engagement with anonymous, online communities potentially offer children a source of knowledge and a platform to express and understand their experiences with peers on their own terms, using their own words. This study, co-produced with 10 young co-researchers (YCoR) (aged 14–18 years), aimed to explore the experiences, psychological characteristics and interactions of CYP engaging with an online peer-peer message board service to explore theoretical and methodological approaches to examine such ‘real world’ data and inform service evaluation. Incorporating contextualised interpretations by the YCoR, a phenomenological approach explored how the experiences of abuse were constructed and questioned by CYP in online texts, and what motivates help-seeking. Findings detail the context of CYPs emotionally abusive or neglectful experiences, their language, disclosed mental health challenges, explicit and inferred help-seeking motivations. The co-produced methodology facilitated a nuanced interpretation of CYPs' experiences to convey the impacts of emotional abuse and neglect disclosed in this anonymous environment. Validation with YCoR with diverse experiences would facilitate further translation of findings.



这项自然主义研究研究了遭受情感虐待和/或忽视的儿童和青少年 (CYP) 与其同龄人之间的在线寻求帮助对话。我们相信这是国际上第一项进行此类研究的研究。参与匿名在线社区可能为孩子们提供知识来源和平台,让他们用自己的方式、用自己的语言表达和理解他们与同龄人的经历。这项研究由 10 名年轻的联合研究员 (YCoR)(14-18 岁)共同制作,旨在探讨 CYP 参与在线同伴留言板服务的经历、心理特征和互动,以探索理论和方法论检查此类“现实世界”数据并为服务评估提供信息的方法。纳入 YCoR 的情境化解释,现象学方法探讨了 CYP 如何在网络文本中构建和质疑虐待经历,以及寻求帮助的动机。调查结果详细说明了 CYP 情感虐待或忽视经历的背景、他们的语言、公开的心理健康挑战、明确和推断的寻求帮助动机。共同制定的方法有助于对 CYP 的经历进行细致入微的解释,以传达在这种匿名环境中披露的情感虐待和忽视的影响。具有不同经验的 YCoR 验证将有助于研究结果的进一步转化。他们的语言、公开的心理健康挑战、明确和推断的寻求帮助的动机。共同制定的方法有助于对 CYP 的经历进行细致入微的解释,以传达在这种匿名环境中披露的情感虐待和忽视的影响。具有不同经验的 YCoR 验证将有助于研究结果的进一步转化。他们的语言、公开的心理健康挑战、明确和推断的寻求帮助的动机。共同制定的方法有助于对 CYP 的经历进行细致入微的解释,以传达在这种匿名环境中披露的情感虐待和忽视的影响。具有不同经验的 YCoR 验证将有助于研究结果的进一步转化。