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Making Puerto Rico the 51st State: Prospects under the Biden Administration
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 , DOI: 10.1134/s1019331622210067
M. A. Chernykh


The political status of Puerto Rico has been discussed in US Congress for decades. This article examines the main features of the island and key issues that make its political status increasingly relevant. It analyzes the results of popular referendums and their impact on the political status of the territory. Moreover, it addresses Joe Biden’s position on the issue, outlines the procedure for admitting a territory to the United States as a state, and examines the bills that are currently under consideration by Congress. This article also analyzes the factors that prevent Puerto Rico from becoming a state and the prospects that Puerto Rico will be granted statehood in the future.


让波多黎各成为第 51 个州:拜登政府的前景


