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American Imago Pub Date : 2023-03-30

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Sagit Blumrosen-Sela is a clinical psychologist and has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has published various articles and books on the subjects of literature and psychology, including Personality Disorders in Israeli Literature (Resling, 2017) and Asperger's Lost Generation (Resling, 2021).

Jamey Hecht, Ph.D., Psy.D., LMFT, is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Brooklyn, New York. He trained at the New Center for Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles after a career teaching literature, having studied poetry at Brandeis University. His work has appeared in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, American Imago, and various literary and scholarly journals. He is the author of Plato's Symposium: Eros and the Human Predicament (Twayne, 1999), Sophocles' Three Theban Plays (Wordsworth, 2004), Bloom's How to Write about Homer (Infobase, 2011), and two books of poetry: Limousine, Midnight Blue (Red Hen Press, 2009) and Dodo Feathers: Poems 1989–2019 (International Psychoanalytic Books, 2019).

Laura Levitt is Professor of Religion, Jewish Studies, and Gender at Temple University. Levitt is the author of The Objects that Remain (2020), American Jewish Loss after the Holocaust (2007), and Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home (1997). She is also co-editor of Impossible Images: Contemporary Art After the Holocaust (2003) and Judaism Since Gender (1997). Levitt edits NYU Press's North American Religions Series with Tracy Fessenden (Arizona State University) and David Harrington Watt (Haverford College).

Karen Maandag lives in Amsterdam and continues to work on spreading knowledge about Sieg's work around the world.

Ruth Ost is a former long-term director of the Temple University Honors Program whose work is at the intersection of art, ritual, and gender. She has written about Helène Aylon, and is currently working on an essay about Miss Gladys and her North Philadelphia Garden of Imagination, though Miss Gladys and the car she lived in are long gone, and the garden plowed under.

John Rosegrant trained in Adult, Child, and Adolescent Psychoanalysis at the Contemporary Freudian Society in New York City. He is Training and Supervising Analyst at the Contemporary Freudian Society and the New Orleans-Birmingham Psychoanalytic Center, and Fellow of the International Psychoanalytic Association. He has spoken and published on a wide variety of topics including psychoanalytic technique, short-term psychotherapy, play therapy, dreams, fairy tales, Harry Potter, J.R.R. Tolkien, Ursula Le Guin, and the World of Warcraft computer game. He co-edited a special issue of Psychoanalytic Psychology, "Papers in Honor of Sheldon Bach" (Vol. 40, No. 1, Jan. 2023), and edited a special issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychology, "Adolescents, Children, & Technology" (Vol. 68, Issue 11, Nov. 2012). He has also been a consultant to schools and Head Start programs. In his private practice, Dr. Rosegrant treats and supervises work with adults, adolescents, and children.

Christine Schmidt is Deputy Director and Head of Research at The Wiener Holocaust Library, London, where she oversees academic programming and outreach. Her research has focused on the history of postwar tracing and documentation efforts, the concentration camp system in Nazi Germany, and comparative studies of collaboration and resistance in France and Hungary. Her recent publications include "Those Left Behind: Early Search Efforts in Wartime and Postwar Britain" in Tracing and Documentation Victims of Nazi Persecution (de Gruyter, 2020) and "'We are all Witnesses': Eva Reichmann and the Wiener Holocaust Library's Eyewitness Accounts Collection" in Agency and the Holocaust: Essays in Honor of Deborah Dwork (Palgrave, 2020).

Deborah Shilkoff is a clinical social worker who specializes in working with anxiety, depression, life phase issues, and somatic conditions, including eating disorders. She is on the faculty at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, where she also graduated from the Advanced Training Program in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She trained as a psychoanalyst at the PINE Psychoanalytic Institute in Boston. She co-chairs a Discussion Group at the American Psychoanalytic Association on unrepresented psychic experience and somatic states. She is in private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Bettine Siertsema is Assistant Professor of History at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her most recent book, Diamantkinderen (Verbum, 2020), is in Dutch and focuses on the wartime experiences of the group...




  • 贡献者

Sagit Blumrosen-Sela是一名临床心理学家,拥有博士学位。耶路撒冷希伯来大学比较文学专业。她发表了多篇关于文学和心理学的文章和书籍,包括《以色列文学中的人格障碍》(Resling,2017 年)和《阿斯伯格迷失的一代》(Resling,2021 年)。

Jamey Hecht, Ph.D., Psy.D., LMFT是纽约布鲁克林私人诊所的精神分析师。他曾在洛杉矶的新精神分析中心接受文学教学,并在布兰代斯大学学习诗歌。他的作品曾发表在美国精神分析协会杂志、American Imago以及各种文学和学术期刊上。他是柏拉图座谈会:爱神与人类困境(特韦恩出版社,1999 年)、索福克勒斯的三部底比斯戏剧(华兹华斯出版社,2004 年)、布鲁姆的《如何写荷马史诗》(Infobase,2011 年)以及两本诗集的作者:豪华轿车,午夜蓝(Red Hen Press, 2009) 和Dodo Feathers: Poems 1989–2019(国际精神分析书籍,2019 年)。

劳拉·莱维特 (Laura Levitt)是天普大学宗教、犹太研究和性别问题教授。莱维特 (Levitt) 是《遗迹》 (2020)、《美国犹太人大屠杀后的损失》 (2007) 和《犹太人与女权主义:寻找家园的矛盾心理》 (1997)的作者。她还是Impossible Images: Contemporary Art After the Holocaust (2003) 和Judaism Since Gender (1997)的共同编辑。Levitt 与 Tracy Fessenden(亚利桑那州立大学)和 David Harrington Watt(哈弗福德学院)一起编辑纽约大学出版社的北美宗教系列。

Karen Maandag住在阿姆斯特丹,并继续致力于在世界范围内传播有关 Sieg 作品的知识。

露丝·奥斯特 (Ruth Ost)是天普大学荣誉计划的前任长期主任,其工作涉及艺术、仪式和性别的交叉点。她写过关于 Helène Aylon 的文章,目前正在写一篇关于格拉迪斯小姐和她的北费城想象花园的文章,尽管格拉迪斯小姐和她住的汽车早已不复存在,花园也被犁过。

约翰·罗斯格兰特 (John Rosegrant)在纽约市当代弗洛伊德协会接受过成人、儿童和青少年精神分析方面的培训。他是当代弗洛伊德协会和新奥尔良-伯明翰精神分析中心的培训和监督分析师,也是国际精神分析协会的会员。他发表过各种主题的演讲和文章,包括精神分析技术、短期心理治疗、游戏治疗、梦想、童话故事、哈利波特、JRR 托尔金、乌苏拉勒金和魔兽世界电脑游戏。他与人合编了《精神分析心理学》特刊“谢尔登·巴赫的荣誉论文”(第 40 卷,第 1 期,2023 年 1 月),并主编了《临床心理学杂志》特刊, "Adolescents, Children, & Technology"(第 68 卷,第 11 期,2012 年 11 月)。他还是学校和启蒙计划的顾问。在他的私人诊所中,Rosegrant 博士治疗和监督成人、青少年和儿童的工作。

克里斯汀·施密特 (Christine Schmidt)是伦敦维纳大屠杀图书馆的副馆长兼研究主管,负责监督学术规划和外展工作。她的研究重点是战后追踪和记录工作的历史、纳粹德国的集中营系统,以及法国和匈牙利合作与抵抗的比较研究。她最近的出版物包括《纳粹迫害受害者的追踪和记录》(德格鲁伊特出版社,2020 年)中的“落后者:战时和战后英国的早期搜索工作”和“‘我们都是证人’:伊娃·赖希曼和维纳大屠杀图书馆的目击者陈述” Collection” in Agency and the Holocaust: Essays in Honor of Deborah Dwork (Palgrave, 2020).

Deborah Shilkoff是一名临床社会工作者,专门处理焦虑、抑郁、生命阶段问题和躯体疾病,包括进食障碍。她是波士顿精神分析协会和研究所的教员,她还毕业于精神分析心理治疗高级培训项目。她在波士顿的 PINE 精神分析研究所接受培训,成为一名精神分析师。她在美国精神分析协会共同主持了一个讨论小组,主题是未表征的心理体验和躯体状态。她在马萨诸塞州剑桥市私人执业。

Bettine Siertsema是阿姆斯特丹自由大学的历史学助理教授。她最近的一本书Diamantkinderen(Verbum,2020 年)是荷兰语的,重点介绍了该组织的战时经历......
