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Simulation of Groundwater Formation on the Sand Massifs of the Don Region: The Case of the Eterevsky Sand Massif
Arid Ecosystems Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079096123010110
A. N. Salugin , A. K. Kulik , R. N. Balkushkin


This study investigated the effects of hydrological, agroecological, and soil-hydrophysical factors on the vertical subsurface flow within the vadose zone and groundwater (GW) recharge on the sand massifs in the Don Region. This involves issues of adapting lysimeter studies to field observations in investigations of the moisture transport dynamics in light-textured soils. Techniques for reconstruction of the main hydrophysical characteristics and the scaling were employed to simulate moisture transport under various initial and boundary conditions. Laboratory investigations were performed at the Hydrological Complex of the Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; field studies were conducted on the Eterevsky sand massif in Volgograd Oblast. The reconstructed hydrophysical parameters and HYDRUS-1D program revealed the effects of different soil–plant conditions on GW recharge. The open sands have an inflow to GW throughout the year, which ensures a stable supply to the river systems. The grounds occupied by herbaceous plants and pine plantations on soils with low water holding capacity, are the supplementary source of GW recharge. The volume of the gravity flow from the vadose zone to GW was established to depend entirely on the biomass of the herbaceous plants on the sands and the quality (bonitet) of the forest plantations.


顿河地区沙丘地下水形成模拟:以 Eterevsky 沙丘为例


本研究调查了水文、农业生态学和土壤水物理因素对渗流带内垂直地下水流和顿河地区沙地块地下水 (GW) 补给的影响。这涉及使渗漏计研究适应轻质土壤中水分传输动力学调查的现场观察的问题。主要水物理特征的重建和缩放技术被用来模拟各种初始和边界条件下的水分传输。在俄罗斯科学院农业生态学联邦科学中心的水文综合设施进行了实验室调查;在伏尔加格勒州的 Eterevsky 沙地块上进行了实地研究。重建的水文物理参数和 HYDRUS-1D 程序揭示了不同土壤-植物条件对 GW 补给的影响。开阔的沙地全年流入 GW,确保了对河流系统的稳定供应。草本植物和松树种植园在持水能力低的土壤上占据的土地是 GW 补给的补充来源。从包气带到 GW 的重力流量完全取决于沙地上草本植物的生物量和质量(是 GW 充电的补充来源。从包气带到 GW 的重力流量完全取决于沙地上草本植物的生物量和质量(是 GW 充电的补充来源。从包气带到 GW 的重力流量完全取决于沙地上草本植物的生物量和质量(bonitet ) 的人工林。
