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Increasing the Reclamation Efficiency of Forest Belts in Dry Conditions
Arid Ecosystems Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079096123010067
A. V. Kulik , A. T. Barabanov , O. A. Gordienko , M. R. Shaifullin


The ongoing aridization of the climate in the steppe zone forces the development and implementation of more sustainable forest reclamation plantations. The studied combined design of forest belts differs from the existing ones by differences in the degree of openwork of the vertical profile, alternating from dense, blown, to openwork. Its study was carried out in the steppe conditions of the city of Volgograd and the Kletsky district of the Volgograd region. The indicators of reclamation efficiency were the nature of snow distribution, soil moisture, and freezing depth. The study of the parameters was carried out along profiles perpendicular to the forest belt. It has been established that snow deposition in the agroforest landscape occurred most optimally under its influence. Snow remained in the forest belt without the formation of high snowdrifts in the zone of the lower plume. The low-growing shrubs prevented snow from blowing out of the forest belt, while keeping the snow in the field. The combined design of the forest belt provided additional accumulation of soil moisture in a 0–50 cm layer on average over 5 years during the winter period in the field of 52 mm, and in the forest belt, 90 mm. Under its influence, the depth of soil freezing was reduced. The studies showed the reclamation efficiency of forest belts of a combined design in steppe conditions.




草原地区气候的持续干旱迫使开发和实施更具可持续性的森林开垦种植园。所研究的林带组合设计与现有林带的不同之处在于垂直剖面的镂空程度不同,从密集、吹制到镂空交替。它的研究是在伏尔加格勒市和伏尔加格勒地区的 Kletsky 区的草原条件下进行的。复垦效率的指标是积雪分布的性质、土壤水分和冻结深度。参数的研究是沿着垂直于林带的剖面进行的。已经确定,混农林景观中的积雪在其影响下发生得最好。雪留在森林带中,而在较低的羽流区域没有形成高雪堆。低矮的灌木防止雪被吹出林带,同时将雪留在田野里。森林带的组合设计在冬季期间平均 5 年内在 0-50 厘米层中额外积累了 52 毫米的土壤水分,在森林带中为 90 毫米。受其影响,土壤冻结深度减少。研究显示了草原条件下组合设计的林带开垦效率。森林带的组合设计在冬季期间平均 5 年内在 0-50 厘米层中额外积累了 52 毫米的土壤水分,在森林带中为 90 毫米。受其影响,土壤冻结深度减少。研究显示了草原条件下组合设计的林带开垦效率。森林带的组合设计在冬季期间平均 5 年内在 0-50 厘米层中额外积累了 52 毫米的土壤水分,在森林带中为 90 毫米。受其影响,土壤冻结深度减少。研究显示了草原条件下组合设计的林带开垦效率。
