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Sediment and Nutrient Trapping by River Dams: A Critical Review Based on 15-Year Big Data
Current Pollution Reports ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40726-023-00258-7
Wenqing Shi , Boqiang Qin

Purpose of Review

Free-flowing rivers act as conduits for sediment and nutrient transport from the land to coastal oceans. In the past decades, many of global rivers have been dammed for water resource management. The associated ecological impacts have become a wide concern, and have been intensively studied. In this work, we aim to review the research progress of the topic on sediment and nutrient trapping by river dams using CiteSpace, summarize the findings of previous literatures, and propose perspectives for future studies.

Recent Findings

We found that (i) this topic has been continuously concerned and the publication number has been increasing annually. In 2006–2021, there are 1385 publications in total, including 1318 articles and 23 reviews; (ii) dams can interrupt river connectivity and trap sediment and nutrients in reservoirs, greatly deceasing sediment and nutrient loads to coastal oceans; (iii) sediment and nutrient trapping by dams has caused a series of ecological impacts, including reservoir capacity loss, river channel erosion, river delta land loss, reservoir eutrophication, and massive greenhouse gas emissions.


This review summarized the changes of riverine sediment and nutrient loads caused by dams, and their impacts on river ecosystems. The following aspects should be concerned in future studies: the impacts of biogeochemical cycling within reservoirs on the stoichiometry and bioavailability of nutrients in dam discharge, the net greenhouse gas emissions caused by dams, and the cumulative impacts of cascade dams. It adds our comprehensive understanding of sediment and nutrient trapping by river dams and will be beneficial to future studies in this field.


河流大坝的沉积物和营养物截留:基于 15 年大数据的批判性回顾


自由流动的河流充当沉积物和养分从陆地向沿海海洋输送的管道。在过去的几十年里,为了水资源管理,许多全球河流都被筑坝。相关的生态影响已引起广泛关注,并已得到深入研究。在这项工作中,我们旨在回顾利用 CiteSpace 研究河流大坝沉积物和养分捕获的研究进展,总结以往文献的发现,并提出未来研究的观点。


我们发现(i)这个话题一直受到关注,发表数量逐年增加。2006-2021年共发表论文1385篇,其中文章1318篇,综述23篇;(ii) 大坝可以中断河流的连通性并将沉积物和营养物截留在水库中,从而大大减少沿海海洋的沉积物和营养物负荷;(iii) 大坝截留泥沙和养分造成了一系列生态影响,包括水库容量损失、河道侵蚀、河流三角洲土地流失、水库富营养化和大量温室气体排放。


