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CoCoMo: Computational Consciousness Modeling for Generative and Ethical AI
arXiv - CS - Other Computer Science Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: arxiv-2304.02438
Edward Y. Chang

The CoCoMo model proposes a computational solution to the challenge of incorporating ethical and emotional intelligence considerations into AI systems, with the aim of creating AI agents that combine knowledge with compassion. To achieve this goal, CoCoMo prioritizes fairness, beneficence, non-maleficence, empathy, adaptability, transparency, and critical and exploratory thinking abilities. The model employs consciousness modeling, reinforcement learning, and prompt template formulation to support these desired traits. By incorporating ethical and emotional intelligence considerations, a generative AI model can potentially lead to improved fairness, reduced toxicity, and increased reliability.



CoCoMo 模型提出了一种计算解决方案,以应对将道德和情商考虑因素纳入 AI 系统的挑战,旨在创建将知识与同情心相结合的 AI 代理。为实现这一目标,CoCoMo 将公平、仁慈、非恶意、同理心、适应性、透明度以及批判性和探索性思维能力放在首位。该模型采用意识建模、强化学习和提示模板制定来支持这些所需的特征。通过结合道德和情商方面的考虑,生成式​​ AI 模型可能会提高公平性、降低毒性并提高可靠性。