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Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation
Design Automation for Embedded Systems ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10617-023-09270-y
Jose-Luis Poza-Lujan , Pedro Uribe-Chavert , Juan-Luis Posadas-Yagüe

Detecting and characterising vehicles is one of the purposes of embedded systems used in intelligent environments. An analysis of a vehicle’s characteristics can reveal inappropriate or dangerous behaviour. This detection makes it possible to sanction or notify emergency services to take early and practical actions. Vehicle detection and characterisation systems employ complex sensors such as video cameras, especially in urban environments. These sensors provide high precision and performance, although the price and computational requirements are proportional to their accuracy. These sensors offer high accuracy, but the price and computational requirements are directly proportional to their performance. This article introduces a system based on modular devices that is economical and has a low computational cost. These devices use ultrasonic sensors to detect the speed and length of vehicles. The measurement accuracy is improved through the collaboration of the device modules. The experiments were performed using multiple modules oriented to different angles. This module is coupled with another specifically designed to detect distance using previous modules’ speed and length data. The collaboration between different modules reduces the speed relative error ranges from 1 to 5%, depending on the angle configuration used in the modules.



检测和表征车辆是智能环境中使用的嵌入式系统的目的之一。对车辆特性的分析可以揭示不当或危险的行为。这种检测使得制裁或通知紧急服务部门及早采取实际行动成为可能。车辆检测和表征系统采用复杂的传感器,例如摄像机,尤其是在城市环境中。这些传感器提供高精度和高性能,尽管价格和计算要求与其精度成正比。这些传感器提供高精度,但价格和计算要求与其性能成正比。本文介绍了一种基于模块化设备的系统,该系统经济且计算成本低。这些设备使用超声波传感器来检测车辆的速度和长度。通过设备模块的协作提高了测量精度。使用面向不同角度的多个模块进行实验。该模块与另一个专门设计用于使用先前模块的速度和长度数据检测距离的模块相结合。不同模块之间的协作将速度相对误差范围从 1% 降低到 5%,具体取决于模块中使用的角度配置。该模块与另一个专门设计用于使用先前模块的速度和长度数据检测距离的模块相结合。不同模块之间的协作将速度相对误差范围从 1% 降低到 5%,具体取决于模块中使用的角度配置。该模块与另一个专门设计用于使用先前模块的速度和长度数据检测距离的模块相结合。不同模块之间的协作将速度相对误差范围从 1% 降低到 5%,具体取决于模块中使用的角度配置。
