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The geography of pilgrimage: Adriatic maritime pilgrimages and natural features of the landscape
Landscape Research ( IF 1.701 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-12 , DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2023.2198203
Mario Katić 1 , Ante Blaće 2


In this article, we have analysed how natural features influenced the emergence of maritime pilgrimages in the Eastern Adriatic (three sites in Croatia and one in Montenegro). All researched locations are insular and dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Madonna). We applied a diverse methodology, including flying a drone and completing fieldwork and archival work studying old maps and documents. We believe that the geography of pilgrimages in these sites reflects the relational interaction between the religious practices of the local communities, mostly fisherman, and their lived environment. We argue that all four locations of the churches and sites of pilgrimage were, at least partially, determined by natural features of their environment, i.e. a safe harbour and a site protected from winds, located within fisherman communities living space, etc. Because of these environmental determinants, the local communities created their pilgrimage geography with ritualistic and religious pilgrimage practices and folklore.




