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Swedish study circles encounter Kenyan chamas: a case study on the global interaction of traditions in non-formal adult education
International Journal of Lifelong Education Pub Date : 2023-04-17 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2023.2201689
Henrik Nordvall 1 , Pamela A. Wadende 2 , Maurice N. Amutabi 3


This article reports an empirical case study of a community self-help group (chama) in Western Kenya, utilising the study circle model promoted by a Swedish non-governmental organisation. Methodologically, it is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and participant observation for data collection. The results show that the study circle idea was transferred and translated through a locally pre-existing social infrastructure for learning, i.e. a farming collective organised and based on the widespread Kenyan tradition of chama. When the chama embraced the study circle and made local sense of it, they did so by mainly sticking to the same form of meetings and activities they previously had. The added value of referring to the activity as a study circle was that it expanded the group’s networks and increased its chances to invite specialists for consultation. Also, some increase in status for the group compared to other (non – study circle) chamas was noted.




