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Exploring care leavers' agency in achieving entry into the world of work: A cross-national study in six countries
International Journal of Social Welfare ( IF 1.717 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-11 , DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12603
Helena Johansson 1 , Yvonne Sjöblom 2 , Ingrid Höjer 1 , Robbie Gilligan 3 , Laura Arnau‐Sabatés 4 , Hana Pazlarová 5 , Veerle Soyez 6 , Jill Stoddart 7

This article draws attention to the relevance of young care leavers' exercise of agency as one possible key ingredient in overcoming barriers to engagement in work. Several previous studies show difficulties in entering adult life, both in relation to higher and further education as well as entrance into work life. The article analyses interviews with young adults from six countries, who have spent at least part of their childhood and youth in out-of-home care and the results indicate that the care leavers have the ability to make plans and set up goals for the future that they in many cases are able to achieve or at least are striving for over time. In many instances, they show a strong motivation, for example, to educate themselves pursuing their goals. To support this transition of young care leavers, it is important to listen to ‘successful’ cases such as the ones presented.


