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Migrants’ transnational social positioning strategies in the middle classes
Global Networks ( IF 1.968 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-17 , DOI: 10.1111/glob.12444
Inka Stock 1

This paper examines the influence of class on migrants’ social positioning strategies in transnational spaces. It contributes to debates about the processes of transnational class-making and class formation. Going beyond an analysis of class in socio-economic terms, the paper focuses on peoples’ (changing) subjective understandings of middle-class membership as a relevant factor in migrants’ transnational social positioning strategies. Based on qualitative interview data with middle-class migrants in Germany, the presentation relates their experiences with downward social mobility before and after migration to their subjective perspectives on middle-class membership over time and in different places. The findings show that middle-class performance is shaped by migration experiences but also shapes peoples’ mobility trajectories and therefore influences and promotes different transnational lifestyles.


