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The metric measure boundary of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below
Geometric and Functional Analysis ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s00039-023-00626-x
Elia Bruè , Andrea Mondino , Daniele Semola

We solve a conjecture raised by Kapovitch, Lytchak and Petrunin in [KLP21] by showing that the metric measure boundary is vanishing on any \({{\,\textrm{RCD}\,}}(K,N)\) space \((X,{\textsf{d}},{\mathscr {H}}^N)\) without boundary. Our result, combined with [KLP21], settles an open question about the existence of infinite geodesics on Alexandrov spaces without boundary raised by Perelman and Petrunin in 1996.


Ricci 曲率空间的度量边界下界

我们通过证明度量边界在任何\({{\,\textrm{RCD}\,}}(K,N)\)空间上消失来解决 Kapovitch、Lytchak 和 Petrunin 在 [KLP21] 中提出的猜想((X,{\textsf{d}},{\mathscr {H}}^N)\)没有边界。我们的结果与 [KLP21] 相结合,解决了 Perelman 和 Petrunin 在 1996 年提出的一个悬而未决的问题,即 Alexandrov 空间上无边界的无限测地线的存在性。
