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Dynamic, Customizable, and Free: Increasing Inclusion in Human Sexuality Courses Using OER
American Journal of Sexuality Education Pub Date : 2023-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2023.2203958
Kathryn R. Klement 1


Traditional commercial textbooks at the college level are slow to update, often have problematic language or content related to queer and trans identities, and are likely to be prohibitively expensive. As an alternative, I explore the benefits of using open educational resources (OER) and free-to-access resources for a human sexuality course. I argue that using OER gives instructors the ability to customize content that is relevant to their students and location while spotlighting experiences that are frequently left out of commercial textbooks. Further, using OER provides opportunities for instructors and students to depathologize queer identities and challenge systems of oppression. Using my own experience, I present a case study of redesigning a human sexuality course with OER, including the process of evaluating and selecting sources. Finally, I offer suggestions for instructors who want to utilize OER and related free-to-access resources in their own classes.


动态、可定制和免费:使用 OER 增加人类性课程的包容性


大学级别的传统商业教科书更新缓慢,经常有与酷儿和跨性别身份相关的语言或内容有问题,而且价格可能高得令人望而却步。作为替代方案,我探讨了使用开放教育资源 (OER) 和免费访问资源进行人类性行为课程的好处。我认为,使用 OER 可以让教师定制与学生和地点相关的内容,同时突出商业教科书中经常遗漏的体验。此外,使用 OER 为教师和学生提供机会去病理化酷儿身份并挑战压迫系统。根据我自己的经验,我提出了一个用 OER 重新设计人类性行为课程的案例研究,包括评估和选择资源的过程。最后,
