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Stop re-inventing the wheel: or how ELSA and RRI can align
Journal of Responsible Innovation ( IF 3.370 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-21 , DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2023.2196151
Mark Ryan 1 , Vincent Blok 2


Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) originated in the 4th European Research Framework Programme (1994) and responsible research and innovation (RRI) from the EC research agenda in 2010. ELSA has received renewed attention in European funding schemes and research. This raises the question of how these two approaches to social responsibility relate to one another and if there is the possibility to align. There is a need to evaluate the relationship/overlap between ELSA and RRI because there is a possibility that new ELSA research will reinvent the wheel if it does not engage with the body of literature already present in RRI research. This provides unneeded extra bureaucracy, reformulations of research agendas, extra investment, and an overabundance of frameworks to implement, and ELSA research does not take advantage of the body of research developed in RRI. This paper evaluates how ELSA and RRI diverge, are complementary, and can be aligned.


停止重复发明轮子:或者 ELSA 和 RRI 如何协调一致


伦理、法律和社会方面 (ELSA) 起源于第四次欧洲研究框架计划 (1994),负责任的研究和创新 (RRI) 于 2010 年列入 EC 研究议程。ELSA 在欧洲资助计划和研究中重新受到关注。这就提出了这样一个问题:这两种社会责任方法如何相互关联以及是否有可能协调一致。有必要评估 ELSA 和 RRI 之间的关系/重叠,因为新的 ELSA 研究如果不与 RRI 研究中已有的文献主体相结合,就有可能重新发明轮子。这提供了不必要的额外官僚机构、研究议程的重新制定、额外投资以及过多的实施框架,ELSA 研究并未利用 RRI 开发的研究主体。本文评估了 ELSA 和 RRI 如何区别、互补和协调。
