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The Arghūn State in Qandahar and the New World Economy, 1479–1522
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient ( IF 0.510 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-28 , DOI: 10.1163/15685209-12341600
Ali Anooshahr 1

Traffic on overland routes connecting the Indian subcontinent to the Iranian Plateau and Central Asia increased from the fifteenth to the sixteenth centuries. This led to the formation of strong states in the Kabul-to-Delhi region—namely, the state ruled by the later Lodīs in north India, the embryonic Mughal state in Kabul, and the Arghūn state in Qandahar (1479–1522). This article will especially investigate the latter. Since there is no mercantile archive for this period, I will make use of narrative sources, especially the little-used “court history” of the Arghūns, the Nuṣratnāmā-i Tarkhān (completed circa 1565) in search of political and economic information.


坎大哈的阿尔浑国与新世界经济,1479-1522 年

从 15 世纪到 16 世纪,连接印度次大陆与伊朗高原和中亚的陆路交通不断增加。这导致喀布尔至德里地区形成了强大的国家——即印度北部后来的洛迪斯统治的国家、喀布尔的萌芽莫卧儿国家和坎大哈的阿尔洪国家(1479-1522)。本文将重点研究后者。由于没有关于这一时期的商业档案,我将利用叙述资源,尤其是很少使用的 Arghūns 的“宫廷历史”,即 Nuṣratnāmā- i Tarkhān(大约完成于 1565 年)来搜索政治和经济信息。
