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J M Coetzee’s ‘Jesus’ Trilogy: A Search for Answers
Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa Pub Date : 2023-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/1013929x.2023.2167405
Hania A. M. Nashef

The 2019 novel by the South African-Australian Nobel laureate, J M Coetzee, The Death of Jesus, is a third book in a sequence that includes Jesus in its title; like its predecessors it follows the lives of a recently constructed family in the dystopian Spanish-speaking towns of Novilla and Estrella. The surreal trilogy, which began with The Childhood of Jesus (2013), and then The Schooldays of Jesus (2016), presents us with unreal worlds, leaving us searching for meaning. This fable-like fantasy, which expands the author’s ‘late style’, challenges the genre of fiction itself. Typical of late style, the trilogy resists closure and resolution. The debated ideas are generated by characters who were forced to forsake their memories and histories. Even though the protagonists begin to embody the very ideas they debate, answers are not forthcoming.


JM Coetzee 的“耶稣”三部曲:寻找答案

南非-澳大利亚诺贝尔奖获得者 JM Coetzee 于 2019 年出版的小说《耶稣之死》是系列丛书中的第三本书,其书名中包含耶稣;像它的前辈一样,它讲述了一个最近在反乌托邦的西班牙语城镇 Novilla 和 Estrella 建立的家庭的生活。超现实主义三部曲,从耶稣的童年(2013)开始,然后是耶稣的学生时代(2016),向我们展示了不真实的世界,让我们寻找意义。这种寓言式的幻想,拓展了作者的“晚期风格”,挑战了小说体裁本身。典型的后期风格,三部曲拒绝结束和解决。有争议的想法是由被迫放弃记忆和历史的人物产生的。尽管主角们开始具体化他们辩论的想法,但答案并没有出现。
