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The ‘Write’ Approach in Three Twenty-First-Century Studies
Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa Pub Date : 2023-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/1013929x.2023.2167401
Rosemary Gray

This review article seeks to trace connections among three contemporary texts that all, in their different ways, attempt to trace a new path to the future, and throw some light upon the darkness that defines quotidian reality. All three turn on comparable authoritative probity. It begins with Achile Membe’s Out of the Dark Night, a collection of essays on decolonisation that points the way to recovery via ‘Afropolitanism’. Fetson Kalua’s Re-imagining African Identity in the Twenty-First Century likewise erases racially based borders or notions of ‘otherness’, be it colour-based or cultural. Kalua deploys the term ‘intermediality’ signifying tolerance of difference, in his exploration, homing in on African identity. Yuval Noah Harari’s earlier 21 Lessons for the 21st Century has a broader cultural and technological lens. Yet all three explore what it means to be human and, by extension, why writers write as they do, implicitly interrogating what constitutes humanity and the purpose of art in the ‘write’ approach.



这篇评论文章试图追溯三种当代文本之间的联系,它们都以不同的方式试图追溯一条通向未来的新道路,并为定义日常生活的黑暗带来一些光明。这三者都具有相当的权威性。它从 Achile Membe 的Out of the Dark Night开始,这是一本关于非殖民化的论文集,指出了通过“非洲政治”实现复苏的道路。Fetson Kalua在二十一世纪重新想象非洲身份同样消除了基于种族的边界或“差异性”的概念,无论是基于颜色还是文化。Kalua 在他的探索中使​​用了“中介性”一词来表示对差异的容忍,并归功于非洲身份。尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里 (Yuval Noah Harari) 的早期作品21 世纪的 21 课具有更广泛的文化和技术视角。然而,这三者都探讨了作为人的意义,并进一步探讨了为什么作家会这样写作,含蓄地质疑什么构成了人性和艺术在“写作”方法中的目的。
