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Zur Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsortes
disP - The Planning Review ( IF 1.480 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-21 , DOI: 10.1080/02513625.2022.2200661
Melanie Lienhard 1 , Chantal Magnin 1


The trend toward working from home is concomitant with the digitalisation of the workplace and was further boosted by the recent pandemic. This development raises numerous questions regarding the advancement of sustainable urban development, in particular, with regard to recent efforts in urban planning toward inward urban development. In light of the above, the article examines the question of how mobile forms of work can be contextualised within the framework of sustainable urban development. To achieve this, we review research regarding working from home and coworking spaces and discuss how the flexibilisation of the place of work could affect different residential patterns and which questions could be derived from them for spatial planning and residential development. This is achieved by reviewing recent figures as well as social science and spatial planning literature on the topic of new mobile forms of work and their spatial effects.

English title: Making the workplace more flexible. New challenges for sustainable residential and spatial development





英文名称:Making workplace more flexible. 可持续住宅和空间发展的新挑战
