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Can we buffer them? Supporting healthy levels of stress and anxiety in first year international students
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education ( IF 2.628 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2023.100438
Lee Slaughter 1 , Lintje Sie 2 , Noreen Breakey 1 , Niki Macionis 1 , Jingru Zhang 1

First-year international tertiary students face numerous challenges, with the COVID-19 pandemic shifting many to online learning. These challenges can lead to higher than ideal stress and anxiety, negatively impacting mental health. Applying a ‘writing across curriculum’ approach this study examines whether a ‘writing in discipline’ intervention influences stress/anxiety for such students studying Tourism, Hospitality and Events in Australia. A modified DASS was administered to four cohorts during 2020 and 2021, and pre-post-tests conducted. The intervention helped buffer significant increases in stress, promoted skill development, and enhanced academic confidence. This scaffolded-learning approach is applicable at course/subject, degree, and university levels.



大一国际大专学生面临着许多挑战,COVID-19 大流行使许多人转向在线学习。这些挑战可能导致高于理想的压力和焦虑,对心理健康产生负面影响。本研究采用“跨课程写作”方法,检验“学科写作”干预是否会影响在澳大利亚学习旅游、酒店和活动的学生的压力/焦虑。在 2020 年和 2021 年期间,对四个队列进行了修改后的 DASS,并进行了前后测试。干预有助于缓解压力的显着增加,促进技能发展,并增强学术信心。这种支架式学习方法适用于课程/学科、学位和大学水平。
