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Mechanical Response of Metal Solenoids Subjected to Electric Currents
Journal of Elasticity ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10659-023-10015-y
R. S. Elliott , N. Triantafyllidis

Solenoids, ubiquitous in electrical engineering applications, are devices formed from a coil of wire that use electric current to produce a magnetic field. In contrast to typical electrical engineering applications that pertain to their magnetic field, of interest here is their use as actuators by studying their mechanical deformation. An analytically tractable model of parallel, coaxial circular rings is used to find the solenoid’s axial deformation when subjected to a combined electrical (current) and mechanical (axial force) loading. Both finite and infinite solenoids are considered and their equilibrium configurations as well as their stability are investigated as functions of their geometry and applied current intensity.



