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Systems Immunology Approaches to Metabolism
Annual Review of Immunology ( IF 29.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-26 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-101220-031513
Denis A Mogilenko 1, 2 , Alexey Sergushichev 1, 3 , Maxim N Artyomov 1

Over the last decade, immunometabolism has emerged as a novel interdisciplinary field of research and yielded significant fundamental insights into the regulation of immune responses. Multiple classical approaches to interrogate immunometabolism, including bulk metabolic profiling and analysis of metabolic regulator expression, paved the way to appreciating the physiological complexity of immunometabolic regulation in vivo. Studying immunometabolism at the systems level raised the need to transition towards the next-generation technology for metabolic profiling and analysis. Spatially resolved metabolic imaging and computational algorithms for multi-modal data integration are new approaches to connecting metabolism and immunity. In this review, we discuss recent studies that highlight the complex physiological interplay between immune responses and metabolism and give an overview of technological developments that bear the promise of capturing this complexity most directly and comprehensively.


