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Long COVID—Challenges in diagnosis and managing return-to-work
Journal of Occupational Health ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-26 , DOI: 10.1002/1348-9585.12401
Kian Wei Alvin Tan 1 , David Koh 2, 3, 4

Long COVID may be a public health concern resulting in a hidden toll of the pandemic years later, on workers and their work ability in the workforce. We illustrate the challenges in diagnosing long COVID in a patient, its associated psychological impact on work and how return-to-work can be better managed and supported from an occupational health perspective.


Long COVID—诊断和管理重返工作岗位的挑战

长期的 COVID 可能是一个公共卫生问题,导致多年后大流行对工人及其在劳动力中的工作能力造成隐性损失。我们说明了诊断患者长期 COVID 的挑战、其对工作的相关心理影响以及如何从职业健康的角度更好地管理和支持重返工作岗位。