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Engaging diverse learners: lessons learned from a dialogic, technology-enabled social studies curriculum
Journal for Multicultural Education Pub Date : 2023-05-02 , DOI: 10.1108/jme-11-2022-0148
Adriana I. Martinez Calvit , Donna Y. Ford


The purpose of this paper is to present insights from the implementation of a dialogic social studies curriculum and its potential to support diverse learners. Policymakers and educators must attend to the learning needs of diverse/minoritized (Note: In this paper, the authors use minoritized and diverse interchangeably) students who have been marginalized in public education. A critical goal is to close racial, ethnic and socioeconomic achievement gaps by increasing, for example, students’ engagement with curriculum and instruction. In this paper, the authors bridge research on dialogic instruction and culturally relevant and responsive education with the goal of informing curricular design and instructional practice.


This conceptual paper discusses the utility of dialogic instruction in improving learning outcomes for minoritized student populations. While some researchers have examined the positive effects of dialogic instruction on underperforming students (e.g. Murphy et al., 2009; Pillinger and Vardy, 2022), few scholars have examined dialogic instruction through a culturally relevant and responsive lens. The authors argue that the application of this critical lens may improve learning outcomes for diverse learners who have been marginalized in public education systems.


The authors present illustrative vignettes and insights from a pilot study of a novel social studies curriculum. This curriculum applies a social justice lens by guiding students in the exploration of complex social issues that affect them. Given the diversity of their collaborating teachers’ classrooms (55% are racially minoritized students), the authors applied principles of culturally relevant and responsive education (e.g. Ford, 2010; Gay, 2000; Ladson-Billings, 1995) when designing and piloting the curriculum. Prior personal and professional experiences by the first author point to the potential of dialogic instruction to meaningfully support minoritized students’ learning.


This paper builds on two bodies of literature – dialogic instruction and culturally relevant and responsive education – to identify how an innovative social studies curriculum may improve learning for diverse student populations. It calls for the advancement of a research agenda that applies a culturally relevant and responsive lens to inform instructional practice. The authors begin this discussion with two vignettes.






这篇概念性论文讨论了对话教学在改善少数群体学生群体学习成果方面的效用。虽然一些研究人员已经研究了对话教学对表现不佳的学生的积极影响(例如 Murphy等人,2009 年;Pillinger 和 Vardy,2022 年),但很少有学者通过文化相关性和响应性的视角来研究对话教学。作者认为,这种批判视角的应用可能会改善在公共教育系统中被边缘化的多元化学习者的学习成果。


作者展示了对新颖的社会研究课程的试点研究的说明性小插曲和见解。该课程通过引导学生探索影响他们的复杂社会问题来应用社会正义视角。鉴于合作教师课堂的多样性(55% 是少数族裔学生),作者在设计和试行课程时应用了文化相关性和响应式教育原则(例如 Ford, 2010;Gay, 2000;Ladson-Billings, 1995) 。第一作者之前的个人和专业经验表明对话教学在有意义地支持少数群体学生的学习方面具有潜力。


