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Adaptive planning depth in human problem solving
bioRxiv - Neuroscience Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1101/2023.05.02.539099
Mattia Eluchans , Gian Luca Lancia , Antonella Maselli , Marco D’Alessando , Jeremy Gordon , Giovanni Pezzulo

We humans are capable of solving challenging planning problems, but the range of adaptive strategies that we use to address them are not yet fully characterized. Here, we designed a series of problem-solving tasks that require planning at different depths. After systematically comparing the performance of participants and planning models, we found that when facing problems that require planning to a certain number of subgoals (from 1 to 8), participants make an adaptive use of their cognitive resources - namely, they tend to select an initial plan having the minimum required depth, rather than selecting the same depth for all problems. These results support the view of problem solving as a bounded rational process, which adapts costly cognitive resources to task demands.


