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Gender and climate change: A sustainable tourism perspective
Thunderbird International Business Review Pub Date : 2023-05-05 , DOI: 10.1002/tie.22351
Vanessa Ratten 1

The aim of this article is to examine whether female tourism entrepreneurs are more interested in climate change than male entrepreneurs are as part of their focus on sustainable entrepreneurial endeavors. A qualitative study of female tourism entrepreneurs is examined that focuses on three main climate change strategies: conservative, compliant, and proactive. The findings suggest that female tourism entrepreneurs are more influenced by their social circle and general interest in environmental issues that lead them to focus on climate change actions. The results of this study will help tourism providers, businesses, government, and the community better understand the role of gender in sustainable tourism entrepreneurship. Climate change is a topic of immense interest in society particularly for those in the tourism industry. Sustainable tourism entrepreneurs often focus on climate change action as a way to compete in the global marketplace and to derive a competitive advantage. Less well understood is the role of gender in sustainable tourism entrepreneurship particularly in terms of perceptions around climate change action.


