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In the arena: contesting disaster creation in cities
Disasters ( IF 3.311 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 , DOI: 10.1111/disa.12588
Wesley Webb Cheek 1 , Ksenia Chmutina 2 , Jason von Meding 3

Space is a feature of all disasters, and it is through decisions on how space is developed, used, and reproduced that disasters manifest themselves. Critical urban theory sees urban space—cities—as an arena of contestation expressed through the relationship between people, power, and the built environment. Cities allow for an unpacking of this process of contestation through the interpretation of various temporal, spatial, social, and physical elements that together create complex issues and ‘wicked problems’. In these urban spaces in all their complexity, disasters reveal both the worst injustices and inequalities present in a society. By drawing on three well-known cases—Hurricane Katrina in 2010; the Haiti earthquake in 2010; and the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011—this paper not only explores the opportunities that critical urban theory presents for gaining a deeper understanding of disaster risk creation, but also it encourages disaster scholars to engage with it.



空间是所有灾难的一个特征,灾难是通过对如何开发、使用和复制空间的决策而表现出来的。批判城市理论将城市空间(城市)视为通过人、权力和建筑环境之间的关系表达的竞争竞技场。城市通过解释各种时间、空间、社会和物理元素来解开这一争论过程,这些元素共同创造了复杂的问题和“棘手的问题”。在这些复杂的城市空间中,灾难揭示了社会中存在的最严重的不公正和不平等。借鉴三个著名案例——2010年卡特里娜飓风;2010年海地地震;以及 2011 年的东日本大地震和海啸——本文不仅探讨了批判城市理论为更深入地了解灾害风险产生提供的机会,而且还鼓励灾害学者参与其中。