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Sociopetality or sociofugality? The effects of post-pandemic on public open space
URBAN DESIGN International ( IF 1.862 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 , DOI: 10.1057/s41289-023-00222-3
Nazli Deniz Ersoz , Yalcin Yildirim

To reduce the virus spread during the COVID-19, “new norms” of daily life were adopted. With urban design strategies characterizing one such norm, public spaces experienced transformations. This study examines the post-pandemic public space Üç Fidan Park in Bursa, Turkey. The study performed a mixed-methods research, including 40 visits to observe behaviors in the selected public spaces in the park during the pandemic. To enforce social distancing, new spatial behavior typologies, i.e., using additional equipment or just the human body itself, were recorded.



为了减少 COVID-19 期间的病毒传播,采用了日常生活的“新规范”。随着城市设计策略成为此类规范的特征,公共空间经历了变革。本研究考察了土耳其布尔萨的大流行后公共空间 Üç Fidan 公园。该研究进行了混合方法研究,包括 40 次访问,以观察大流行期间公园选定公共场所的行为。为了加强社会距离,记录了新的空间行为类型,即使用额外的设备或仅使用人体本身。
