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“I'm going to be forced to have a baby”: A study of COVID-19 abortion experiences on Reddit
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health ( IF 5.706 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 , DOI: 10.1363/psrh.12225
Laura Jacques 1, 2 , Taryn Valley 1, 2, 3 , Shimin Zhao 4 , Madison Lands 1, 2 , Natalie Rivera 2, 5 , Jenny A Higgins 1, 2

The initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic affected abortion care in the United States (US) in myriad ways. While research has documented systems-level pandemic-related impacts on abortion access and care delivery little information exists about the experiences of abortion seekers during this period. We sought to document the effects of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions US abortion seekers by analyzing posts on Reddit, a popular social media website.


“我将被迫生孩子”:Reddit 上关于 COVID-19 堕胎经历的研究

COVID-19 大流行的初期阶段以多种方式影响了美国 (US) 的堕胎护理。虽然研究记录了系统层面的流行病相关对堕胎获取和护理服务的影响,但关于这一时期寻求堕胎者经历的信息却很少。我们试图通过分析热门社交媒体网站 Reddit 上的帖子来记录 COVID-19 大流行限制对美国堕胎寻求者的影响。