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Low-Cost Rotor Balance Training Design
Experimental Techniques ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s40799-023-00650-4
R. A. Figueroa Díaz , A.deJ. Balvantín García , P. Cruz Alcantar , L. Rangel Lucas , L. Esquer Barahona , V. A. Ramírez Elías

This work proposes the low-cost design and manufacture of an experimental rotor for specialized undergraduate training in the field of mechanical vibrations. Likewise, the plane balancing methodology is presented using the influence coefficient method. To keep costs low, a commercial rotating element will be used in which balancing planes will be assembled at the ends, ensuring that the rotating system’s nominal speed passes through two of its natural frequencies. This training prototype will improve learning by theoretically and experimentally analyzing the concepts of influence coefficient balancing using an international standard.



