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Beyond the mere present: Husserl on the temporality of human and animal consciousness
Continental Philosophy Review Pub Date : 2023-05-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11007-023-09610-6
Yamina Venuta

My aim in this paper is to reconstruct Edmund Husserl’s views on the differences between human and animal consciousness, with particular attention to the experience of temporality.

In the first section, I situate the topic of animal consciousness in the broader context of Husserl’s philosophy. Whereas this connection has been often neglected, I argue that a phenomenological analysis of non-human subjectivities is not only justified, but also essential to the Husserlian project as a whole.

In the second section, I introduce two notions Husserl resorts to when describing the essential difference between human and animal subjectivities, namely “strata of consciousness” and “person.” Drawing on textual evidence, I argue that Husserl does not simply see animals as excluded from the sphere of personhood. Rather, he draws a distinction between two modes of personal life, one of which is said to be unique to human adults.

What holds these two modes apart, according to Husserl, is a subject’s relation to time. In the third section, I delve deeper into this topic, asking how we should understand Husserl’s claim that animals live in a “restricted temporality.” I argue that this has less to do with an inability to remember, imagine, or anticipate future events, and more with an inability to explore temporal horizons stretching before one’s birth or after one’s death. By contrast, humans gradually overcome these limitations during ontogeny, thanks to the practice of linguistic communication. This also has consequences for our capacity to engage in genuinely theoretical thought.





第二节介绍胡塞尔在描述人与动物主体性的本质区别时所使用的两个概念,即“意识阶层”和“人” 根据文本证据,我认为胡塞尔并不仅仅将动物视为被排除在人格领域之外。相反,他区分了两种个人生活模式,其中一种据说是人类成年人所独有的。

