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Assessing sensing techniques for detecting markers of approaching ecdysis in juvenile tropical rock lobsters, Panulirus ornatus
Aquacultural Engineering ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102342
Charles Sutherland , Alan Henderson , Andrew J. Trotter , Dean Giosio , Greg Smith

Developing hatchery technology for spiny lobsters has promoted interest in the establishment of a commercial land-based lobster aquaculture industry in Australia. Cannibalism in culture is extensive with cannibalistic interactions occurring during a relatively brief vulnerability while moulting. Therefore, pre-ecdysis characterisation is indicated as an opportunity to disrupt cannibalism. Detecting pre-ecdysis with a sensor would open the scope of research into cannibalism reducing culture environments. During this study, three markers that have the potential to indicate ecdysis are assessed. The markers that were assessed during this study are growth of the new integument, formation of suture lines and pigment changes, these markers were assessed using high frequency imaging ultrasound, computer vision, and digital image analysis in the HSV colour space, respectively.

For individual animals, carotenoid pigment shift is an early and clear marker of pre-ecdysis, however variability between individuals excludes pigmentation being useful in characterising pre-ecdysis. Suture line clarity was problematic under visible light because its clarity was reduced by similarly coloured pigments, therefore using suture lines as a pre-ecdysis characteriser requires better clarity. Imaging the suture line with light outside the visible spectrum is a logical research pathway to test for improved suture line clarity. Growth of the new integument was visible on sonographs beneath the branchiostegites indicating that ultrasound may be a useful tool for sensing pre-ecdysis in lobsters. Ultrasonic investigation using a single element transducer may be a lower cost and robust sensing solution to detect new integument growth and is high priority future research pathway.


评估用于检测幼年热带岩龙虾 Panulirus ornatus 接近蜕皮标记的传感技术


