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Spatial modeling of road collisions of striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) in Israel
Ecological Research ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-17 , DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12399
Ezra Hadad 1 , Jakub Z. Kosicki 2 , Reuven Yosef 3

The striped hyena is an enigmatic species that is little studied. It is mainly found in semiarid and arid regions and is described as elusive, cryptic, nocturnal, and solitary. The global distribution is disjunct, and the species suffers from human persecution. However, specific communities consider them to be commensals. Owing to their scavenging behavior, striped hyenas are disproportionately involved in vehicular-wildlife incidents, most of which are fatal. By combining data collected by the Scientific Data Department of the Israel Nature Parks Authority with information from remote sensing imaging, we illustrate the distribution of the striped hyena, identify critical habitats in which they occur, and illustrate the zones with the highest conflicts in the whole of Israel and the West Bank. The scale of striped hyena mortality (44.3/year) suggests that populations are much higher than previous estimates. We found more striped hyena carcasses on road/highway networks and urban areas than in natural surroundings. Our results should help focus the efforts to mitigate wildlife road kills by implementing conservation measures in urban areas and inter-city highways, with a stress on striped hyena mortality.



条纹鬣狗是一种神秘的物种,很少有人研究。它主要出现在半干旱和干旱地区,被描述为难以捉摸、神秘、夜间活动和独居。全球分布分散,该物种遭受人类迫害。然而,特定社区认为它们是共生的。由于条纹鬣狗的食腐行为,它们经常卷入车辆与野生动物发生的事故,其中大多数是致命的。通过将以色列自然公园管理局科学数据部收集的数据与遥感成像信息相结合,我们说明了条纹鬣狗的分布,确定了它们出现的关键栖息地,并说明了整个地区冲突最严重的区域以色列和约旦河西岸。条纹鬣狗死亡率的规模(44. 3/年)表明人口远高于之前的估计。我们在道路/高速公路网络和城市地区发现的条纹鬣狗尸体比在自然环境中更多。我们的研究结果应有助于集中精力通过在城市地区和城际高速公路上实施保护措施来减少野生动物在道路上的死亡,并重点关注条纹鬣狗的死亡率。