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Deployment of gestures in the semiotic construction of scientific knowledge: a systemic functional approach on pedagogic semiosis
Semiotica ( IF 0.475 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-25 , DOI: 10.1515/sem-2020-0107
Zekai Ayık 1

A variety of semiotic resources makes the construction of scientific knowledge possible and meaning-making resources are conveyed by certain semiotic modes. Next, numerous studies have demonstrated the pedagogical importance of gestures in the demonstration of scientific knowledge in the classroom. Drawing on social semiotic systemic functional theory and legitimation code theory, this study explores the types and the role of gestures in the semiotic construction of scientific knowledge in pedagogic semiosis and their pedagogical values for the meaning-making of science content. With this aim, a gesture observation protocol (GOP) is developed to annotate and analyze data. Two science lectures, which are broadcast remotely for middle school students including gifted students, are observed. Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SF-MDA) method is employed to analyze and evaluate data. Results demonstrated that the deployment of gestures that contributes to the construction of scientific knowledge is low and deployed gestures mostly do not have pedagogical value. It is recommended that teachers should be more conscious and educated about deploying gestures to present scientific knowledge efficiently.



多种多样的符号资源使得科学知识的建构成为可能,而意义建构资源则通过一定的符号模式来传递。接下来,大量研究证明了手势在课堂科学知识展示中的教学重要性。本研究借鉴社会符号系统功能理论和合法代码理论,探讨了手势在教育符号学科学知识符号学建构中的类型和作用,以及它们对科学内容意义建构的教学价值。为此,开发了手势观察协议 (GOP) 来注释和分析数据。观摩了两场面向包括资优生在内的中学生远程直播的科学讲座。系统功能多模态话语分析(SF-MDA)方法用于分析和评估数据。结果表明,有助于科学知识建构的手势部署很低,部署的手势大多没有教学价值。建议教师应该更加自觉和受教育地运用手势来有效地展示科学知识。