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Agroecology as Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Management in North African Countries
International Journal of Plant Production ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s42106-023-00251-6
Abdellatif Boutagayout , Saadia Belmalha , Mariyem Rehali , Laila Nassiri , El Houssine Bouiamrine

Promoting well-functioning ecosystems that maintain the sustainability of agricultural systems in response to climate change remains a major challenge in North Africa. Agroecological practices have the potential to serve as an alternative to chemicals. However, there are gaps in our knowledge regarding these practices in North Africa that need to be addressed to better adopt them on farms. Therefore, we reviewed the current state of knowledge on agroecology and research on agroecological practices in the North African region. Furthermore, the benefits, challenges, and future opportunities of adopting agroecological practices for sustainable agriculture are discussed. Scientific research on agroecological practices in North Africa is not evenly distributed, with particular emphasis on wheat cultivation. Crop diversification has been most frequently studied in Egypt. Direct seeding technology has been concentrated in Morocco and Tunisia. Allelopathic extracts have not been extensively studied in the North African farming systems. However, research on these practices is weaker, especially under the conditions of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Overall, the findings of this review are encouraging and should motivate agroecologists to conduct more mechanistic and in-depth experiments to advance the chances of developing effective programs that combine different agroecological practices to better utilize natural resources and improve crop yields without harming the environment or human and animal health. To better implement agroecology in North African farming systems, local scientific research and progress must be accompanied by excessive policy changes, wider awareness, and the transmission of agroecological knowledge to farmer profiles.



