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Technological capability and performance in developing countries: A meta-analysis
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jengtecman.2023.101753
Jorge Tello-Gamarra , Mônica Fitz-Oliveira

There has been an increasing interest in the literature pertaining to the relationship between technological capability and performance in developing countries. However, these studies have generated heterogeneous results. This is the literature gap that this article intends to explore. The goal of this paper is to find the relationship between technological capability and performance in developing countries. Considering the diversity of quantitative and heterogeneous results in literature, we chose to use the meta-analytic method to achieve the objective of this study. We were able to correlate all of the results from 19 studies regarding more than 6000 firms from developing countries. Due to this study, two results came up. Firstly, we were able to observe that technological capability and performance are positively correlated in developing countries. Secondly, we found that one of the sources of heterogeneity in the results has to do with the existence of different variables used for measuring technological capability and firm performance.
