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Whose Pathways are They? The Top-Down/Bottom-Up Conundrum of Complementary Pathways for Refugees
European Journal of Migration And Law ( IF 0.889 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-29 , DOI: 10.1163/15718166-12340148
Joanne van Selm 1

With so many actors and varying motivations involved, one aspect of the ongoing development of complementary pathways that requires greater attention is the question of whether the pathways are best seen as a top-down or a bottom-up endeavour. Linked to this is the issue of the roles of various actors (i.e., communities, national authorities, the national protection regime and the refugees themselves) in practically creating pathways, and embedding them in an overall refugee protection regime, and how to keep a balance of inputs and expectations among all these different players. The key enquiry of this article is thus whether the bottom-up aspect of complementary pathways lend them any greater chance of success? Can community action be inspired, even requested ‘from above’ by governments or the international organizations? Or does it have to be organic, and start from below? And if complementary pathways are for refugees, how are refugees included?



