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The attitudes of parents of typically developing students towards including students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms in the United Arab Emirates
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs Pub Date : 2023-05-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1471-3802.12603
Samir Jabra Dukmak 1 , Mahmoud Gharaibeh 1 , Razan Numan Alkhatib 1 , Mervat Amin Ijha 2

This study investigates the attitudes of parents of typically developing students towards teaching students with disabilities in the mainstream classrooms, in relation to various family characteristics. This quantitative research employed a descriptive questionnaire survey to investigate the attitudes of parents of typically developing students towards teaching learners with disabilities in regular classrooms. A total of 419 parents of students from Cycle 1 and 2 classrooms in the United Arab Emirates completed the questionnaire. Parents showed positive attitudes towards teaching students with disabilities in the mainstream classrooms. Respondents who had no schooling were found to express more positive attitudes than those who had a college or university education, as were those with a ‘schooling’ level of education. The results revealed no significant relationship between respondents' attitudes towards inclusion and their gender, age, place of residence or the number of children in the family. The UAE Ministry of Education should recognize the importance of this study's findings when implementing the ministerial resolution regarding the philosophy of educational inclusion in all mainstream schools in the UAE. This can be seen as a measure to improve the quality of life and education of all marginalized students, especially those with disabilities.



本研究调查了典型发展学生的家长对于在主流课堂上教授残疾学生的态度,以及与各种家庭特征的关系。这项定量研究采用描述性问卷调查来调查典型发展学生的家长对在普通课堂上教授残疾学习者的态度。阿拉伯联合酋长国第 1 班和第 2 班教室的 419 名学生家长填写了调查问卷。家长对在主流课堂上教育残疾学生表现出积极的态度。研究发现,没有受过教育的受访者比受过学院或大学教育的受访者表现出更积极的态度,受过“学校教育”水平的受访者也是如此。结果显示,受访者对包容的态度与其性别、年龄、居住地或家庭子女数量之间没有显着关系。阿联酋教育部在执行有关阿联酋所有主流学校教育包容理念的部长级决议时,应认识到这项研究结果的重要性。这可以被视为改善所有边缘学生,特别是残疾学生的生活和教育质量的一项措施。阿联酋教育部在执行有关阿联酋所有主流学校教育包容理念的部长级决议时,应认识到这项研究结果的重要性。这可以被视为改善所有边缘学生,特别是残疾学生的生活和教育质量的一项措施。阿联酋教育部在执行有关阿联酋所有主流学校教育包容理念的部长级决议时,应认识到这项研究结果的重要性。这可以被视为改善所有边缘学生,特别是残疾学生的生活和教育质量的一项措施。