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Starlink for ASEAN: A Changemaker in the Race Toward Sustainable Development?
Space Policy ( IF 1.609 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.spacepol.2023.101554
Riccardo Corrado , Maximilien Berthet , Morokot Sakal

In 2015, highlighting the fundamental role played by connectivity, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reaffirmed its vision to build a competitive, resilient regional community. Information communications technology (ICT) has been highlighted as an essential component to achieve the multiple dimensions of connectivity across the ASEAN member states (AMS). Currently, however, the development of ICT-related infrastructure in individual AMS is uneven, with gaps in development both between and within countries. It is in this ecosystem that satellite constellations may represent a great opportunity to support connectivity, mostly in those geographical areas where the deployment of terrestrial telecommunication infrastructure would either be physically difficult or financially unsustainable.

The space-related industry is not new to ASEAN. Indeed a few of its members have long histories of engaging with various forms of space development, with investments increasing especially in recent years. Among the currently available satellite constellations, one is attracting particular attention: Starlink. But could this network of low Earth orbit satellites really be a changemaker toward the achievement of full regional connectivity, providing a boost in the race to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals?

To answer this question, we propose a simple two-dimensional framework into which each AMS can be mapped. The two dimensions are the readiness and usefulness of the adoption of Starlink. The score in each dimension is obtained based on three factors against which the AMS are quantitatively evaluated and ranked. The analysis accounts for the heterogeneity of AMS and is supported by secondary data. The proposed approach provides an easy-to-use tool for policymakers and government bodies, to decide whether or not to invest in the adoption of Starlink as a tool for boosting their race toward sustainable development.





为了回答这个问题,我们提出了一个简单的二维框架,每个 AMS 都可以映射到其中。这两个维度是采用星链的准备度和实用性。每个维度的得分是根据三个因素得出的,AMS 会根据这三个因素进行定量评估和排名。该分析考虑了 AMS 的异质性,并得到二手数据的支持。拟议的方法为政策制定者和政府机构提供了一个易于使用的工具,以决定是否投资采用星链作为促进可持续发展竞赛的工具。
