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Electrified chemical reactors for methane-to-ethylene conversion
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.coche.2023.100927
Evangelos Delikonstantis , Fabio Cameli , Georgios D Stefanidis

Electrification of ethylene production via methane coupling could represent a considerable step toward decarbonization of the chemical industry. Several promising electrified technologies can drive the reaction via different energy delivery modes (e.g. Joule and dielectric heating, mechanical/rotational energy, and plasma discharge). However, only few systems have been experimentally tested with this process. Microwave-heated reactors are employed at pilot scale, whereas large (MW)-scale plasma reactors are ready to be launched on the market. Herein, we present a preliminary benchmarking of the most promising electrified technologies for methane-to-ethylene conversion based on collected experimental and simulation performance data and their scalability potential.


