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Strong surjections from two-complexes with odd order top-cohomology onto the projective plane
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11784-023-01066-8
Marcio Colombo Fenille , Daciberg Lima Gonçalves , Oziride Manzoli Neto

Given a finite and connected two-dimensional CW complex K with fundamental group \(\Pi \) and second integer cohomology group \(H^2(K;\mathbb {Z})\) finite of odd order, we prove that: (1) for each local integer coefficient system \(\alpha :\Pi \rightarrow \textrm{Aut}(\mathbb {Z})\) over K, the corresponding twisted cohomology group \(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\) is finite of odd order, we say order \(\mathfrak {c}^{*}(\alpha )\), and there exists a natural function—which resemble that one defined by the twisted degree—from the set \([K;\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2]_{\alpha }^{*}\) of the based homotopy classes of based maps inducing \(\alpha \) on \(\pi _1\) into \(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\), which is a bijection; (2) the set \([K;\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2]_{\alpha }\) of the (free) homotopy classes of based maps inducing \(\alpha \) on \(\pi _1\) is finite of order \(\mathfrak {c}(\alpha )=(\mathfrak {c}^{*}(\alpha )+1)/2\); (3) all but one of the homotopy classes \([f]\in [K;\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2]_{\alpha }\) are strongly surjective, and they are characterized by the non-nullity of the induced homomorphism \(f^{*}:H^2(\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2;_{\varrho }\!\mathbb {Z})\rightarrow H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\), where \(\varrho \) is the nontrivial local integer coefficient system over the projective plane. Also some calculations of \(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\) are provided for several two-complexes K and actions \(\alpha \), allowing to compare \(H^2(K;\mathbb {Z})\) and \(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\) for nontrivial \(\alpha \).



给定一个有限且连通的二维CW复数K,其具有奇数阶的基本群\(\Pi \)和第二整数上同调群\(H^2(K;\mathbb {Z})\)有限,​​我们证明: (1) 对于K上的每个局部整数系数系统\(\alpha :\Pi \rightarrow \textrm{Aut}(\mathbb {Z})\),相应的扭曲上同调群\(H^2(K;_{ \alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\)是奇数阶的有限,我们说阶\(\mathfrak {c}^{*}(\alpha )\),并且存在一个自然函数——类似于一个由扭曲度定义——来自集合\([K;\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2]_{\alpha }^{*}\)将\(\alpha \) on \(\pi _1\)归纳为\(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\) 的基础映射的同伦类,即双射;( 2 )在\ ( \pi _1\)是有限阶的\(\mathfrak {c}(\alpha )=(\mathfrak {c}^{*}(\alpha )+1)/2\);(3) 除一个同伦类\([f]\in [K;\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2]_{\alpha }\) 外,所有同伦类都是强满射,它们的特征是诱导同态的非无效性\(f^{*}:H^2(\mathbb {R}\textrm{P}^2;_{\varrho }\!\mathbb {Z})\rightarrow H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\),其中\(\varrho \)是投影平面上的非平凡局部整数系数系统。还为几个双复合体K和动作\( \alpha \) 提供了\(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\)的一些计算,允许比较\(H ^2(K;\mathbb {Z})\)\(H^2(K;_{\alpha }\!\mathbb {Z})\)对于非平凡的\(\alpha \)
