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Nucleation and Development of Multiple Cracks in Thin Composite Fibers via the Inverse-Deformation Approach
Journal of Elasticity ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10659-023-10019-8
Arnav Gupta , Timothy J. Healey

We study the nucleation and development of crack patterns in thin composite fibers under tension in this work. A fiber comprises an elastic core and an outer layer of a weaker brittle material. In recent tensile experiments on such composites, multiple cracks were observed to develop simultaneously on the outer layer. We propose here a simple one-dimensional model to predict such phenomena using the inverse-deformation approach to fracture. We idealize the problem as two axially loaded rods coupled by a linear interfacial condition. The latter can be regarded as an adhesive that resists slip between the two materials. One rod is modeled as a brittle material, and the other a linearly elastic material, both undergoing finite deformations.



