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Recent Advances of Proteins, Polysaccharides and Lipids-Based Edible Films/Coatings for Food Packaging Applications: a Review
Food Biophysics ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11483-023-09794-7
Yumeng Wu , Haonan Wu , Liandong Hu

Most fruits and vegetables are susceptible to spoilage after harvest, the transportation and preservation conditions can further decrease the product quality. As one of the main food preservation technologies, edible films/coatings are made of eatable materials to form thin layers that can maintain food freshness during transport and storage. This review summarizes different films/coating materials, including proteins (soy, whey, wheat gluten, gelatin), polysaccharides (chitosan, starch, cellulose) and lipids. However, the films/coatings prepared by single material have many deficiencies which can be made up by the combination of composite films/coatings. Moreover, several prepared methods (electrospinning, casting, extrusion, dipping, fluidized-bed, spraying, panning) used for films/coatings are introduced. Finally, the application and future directions of films/coatings in the preservation of fruits, vegetables and other food products are also presented.

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