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Dimple of Venus Is Associated with the Increased Pelvic Incidence Angle and More Sagittally Oriented Facet Joint.
Medical Principles and Practice ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 , DOI: 10.1159/000531413
Kürşad Aytekin 1 , Orhan Balta 2

OBJECTIVES The present study aims to investigate whether the dimple of Venus affects the anatomy of spinopelvic junction. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Inclusion criteria were having a lumbar MRI examination in the last 1 year, being older than 18 years of age and being able to radiologically evaluate the whole vertebral colon and pelvic girdle. Exclusion criteria were having congenital diseases of the pelvic girdle/hip/vertebral column and history of fracture or previous surgery in the same anatomic regions. The patients' demographic data and low back pain were noted. At radiological examination, the pelvic incidence angle was measured by lateral lumbar X-ray. The facet joint angle, tropism, facet joint degeneration, intervertebral disc degeneration, and intervertebral disc herniation at the level of L5-S1 were examined on lumbar MRIs. RESULTS We included 134 male and 236 female patients with a mean age of 47.86 ± 14.50 years and 48.49 ± 13.49 years, respectively. We found that the patients with the dimple of Venus had higher pelvic incidence angle (p < 0.001) and more sagittally oriented facet joint (right facet joint p = 0.017, left facet joint p = 0.001) compared to those without the dimple of Venus. There was no statistically significant relationship between low back pain and the presence of the dimple of Venus. CONCLUSIONS The dimple of Venus affects the anatomy of the spinopelvic junction and is associated with an increased pelvic incidence angle and a more sagittally oriented facet joint angle.



目的 本研究旨在探讨金星酒窝是否影响脊柱骨盆交界处的解剖结构。对象与方法纳入标准为近1年内接受过腰椎MRI检查,年龄大于18岁,能够对整个椎结肠和骨盆带进行放射学评估。排除标准是患有骨盆带/髋部/脊柱的先天性疾病以及同一解剖区域的骨折史或既往手术史。记录患者的人口统计数据和腰痛。放射学检查时,通过侧位腰椎X线测量骨盆入射角。通过腰椎MRI检查L5-S1水平的小关节角度、向性、小关节退变、椎间盘退变和椎间盘突出情况。结果 我们纳入了 134 名男性和 236 名女性患者,平均年龄分别为 47.86 ± 14.50 岁和 48.49 ± 13.49 岁。我们发现,与没有金星酒窝的患者相比,有金星酒窝的患者具有更高的骨盆入射角(p < 0.001)和更多的矢状面关节(右侧小关节 p = 0.017,左侧小关节 p = 0.001)。腰痛与金星酒窝的存在之间没有统计学上的显着关系。结论 金星的酒窝影响脊柱骨盆交界处的解剖结构,并与增加的骨盆入射角和更矢状的小关节角度相关。