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African-Led Peace Support Operations in a declining period of new UN Peacekeeping Operations
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations ( IF 1.180 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 , DOI: 10.1163/19426720-02902006
Andrew E. Yaw Tchie 1

The United Nations is known to be the preeminent body to authorize and oversee international peacekeeping missions; however, new forms of African-led Peace Support Operations (PSO s) are increasingly common, innovative, and context-specific. This paper examines the evolution of African-led PSO s and argues that African-led PSO s are filling a vacuum and taking on responsibilities once assumed by the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UN PKO). The paper posits that the rise of African-led PSO s is due to the growing need for security and respond to the changing nature of conflict, the spread of insecurity and terrorism, and cross-border violence. Finally, the paper explores the implications of these operations for future missions in Africa, arguing that the future of African-led PSO s may be the preferred choice, with Regional Economic Communities and Ad-hoc Security Initiatives leading the way.



众所周知,联合国是授权和监督国际维和行动的卓越机构;然而,由非洲主导的新形式的和平支持行动 ( PSO  ) 正变得越来越普遍、具有创新性和针对具体情况。本文研究了非洲领导的PSO的演变 ,并认为非洲领导的PSO 正在填补真空并承担曾经由联合国维和行动 ( UN PKO ) 承担的责任。该论文认为,非洲主导的PSO的兴起 s 是由于对安全和应对不断变化的冲突性质、不安全和恐怖主义的蔓延以及跨境暴力的需求日益增长。最后,本文探讨了这些行动对未来非洲任务的影响,认为非洲领导的PSO s的未来 可能是首选,区域经济共同体和临时安全倡议处于领先地位。
