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Coverage of Human Rights Issues in Malawian Newsrooms: Challenges and Prospects
Journal of Human Rights Practice Pub Date : 2023-06-09 , DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huad010
Joe Mlenga 1

This paper is a study of 14 media houses in Malawi and it looks at coverage of human rights issue from various dimensions. A questionnaire was administered to journalists of diverse levels at these media houses to gather data concerning the research. The targeted media houses are located in the main urban centres of Malawi and include radio, television and newspaper publishers. The findings indicate that training, lack of specialised units in newsrooms, inadequate reference materials and reluctance by officials to give out required information are some of the issues that are hampering coverage of human rights stories in the country. The paper also looks at suggestions made by journalists to help improve reportage of human rights in Malawi. It then makes recommendations based on evidence gathered through the questionnaires on how the media and other concerned stakeholders can work together for better human rights reporting in the country.



本文是对马拉维 14 家媒体机构的研究,它从各个维度审视了人权问题的报道。对这些媒体机构的不同级别的记者进行了问卷调查,以收集有关该研究的数据。目标媒体机构位于马拉维的主要城市中心,包括广播、电视和报纸出版商。调查结果表明,培训、新闻编辑室缺乏专业单位、参考资料不足以及官员不愿提供所需信息是阻碍该国人权报道报道的部分问题。该论文还研究了记者提出的有助于改善马拉维人权报道的建议。