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Simultaneous diagonalization of nearly commuting Hermitian matrices: do-one-then-do-the-other
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-10 , DOI: 10.1093/imanum/drad033
Brian D Sutton 1

Commuting Hermitian matrices may be simultaneously diagonalized by a common unitary matrix. However, the numerical aspects are delicate. We revisit a previously rejected numerical approach in a new algorithm called ‘do-one-then-do-the-other’. One of two input matrices is diagonalized by a unitary similarity, and then the computed eigenvectors are applied to the other input matrix. Additional passes are applied as necessary to resolve invariant subspaces associated with repeated eigenvalues and eigenvalue clusters. The algorithm is derived by first developing a spectral divide-and-conquer method and then allowing the method to break the spectrum into, not just two invariant subspaces, but as many as safely possible. Most computational work is delegated to a black-box eigenvalue solver, which can be tailored to specific computer architectures. The overall running time is a small multiple of a single eigenvalue-eigenvector computation, even on difficult problems with tightly clustered eigenvalues. The article concludes with applications to a structured eigenvalue problem and a highly sensitive eigenvector computation.


几乎对易的 Hermitian 矩阵的同时对角化:做一个然后做另一个
