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Exploring young consumer's adoption of secondhand luxury: insights from a qualitative study
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management ( IF 4.184 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-12 , DOI: 10.1108/jfmm-11-2022-0236
Rubal Rathi , Sheetal Jain , Ruchi Garg


This study explores reasons for and against secondhand luxury (SHL) fashion adoption among young consumers in an emerging nation, India. As a trend, SHL has witnessed tremendous growth in the past few years, but scholarly interest remains scant.


Drawing from an interpretivist paradigm, this study uses an exploratory qualitative approach with 26 semi-structured interviews with SHL buyers, analyzed using NVivo software.


The findings shed significant light on value drivers and find support for status value, uniqueness value, quality value and monetary value, while adding the role of emotional value in reasons for SHL adoption. The results reveal an interesting trait of Indian consumers: price, fashion and celebrity association outweigh sustainability concerns, where an attitude–behavior gap is observed. Also, the findings add depth to risk perceptions as a major reason against SHL adoption.


While most existing studies have only focused on the motivational drivers, this study offers in-depth insights into the growing SHL literature by drawing attention to the enablers and equally important inhibitors by applying the novel Behavioral Reasoning Theory. It also intends to enhance practitioner knowledge in understanding a culturally diverse market and developing strategies relevant to a new set of consumers. The study calls for SHL retailers to sensitize young consumers in India about the sustainability aspect of SHL consumption, which is currently less appreciated.




本研究探讨了新兴国家印度年轻消费者接受和反对二手奢侈品 (SHL) 时尚的原因。作为一种趋势,SHL 在过去几年中取得了巨大的增长,但学术兴趣仍然很少。


本研究借鉴解释主义范式,采用探索性定性方法,对 SHL 买家进行 26 次半结构化访谈,并使用 NVivo 软件进行分析。


研究结果揭示了价值驱动因素,并找到了对地位价值、独特性价值、质量价值和货币价值的支持,同时在采用 SHL 的原因中增加了情感价值的作用。结果揭示了印度消费者的一个有趣特征:价格、时尚和名人联想超过了可持续性问题,在态度与行为方面存在差距。此外,调查结果进一步加深了人们对风险认知的认识,认为这是反对采用 SHL 的主要原因。


虽然大多数现有研究仅关注动机驱动因素,但本研究通过应用新颖的行为推理理论,引起人们对推动因素和同样重要的抑制因素的关注,从而深入了解不断增长的 SHL 文献。它还旨在增强从业人员了解文化多元化市场和制定与新消费者相关的策略的知识。该研究呼吁 SHL 零售商提高印度年轻消费者对 SHL 消费可持续性方面的认识,而目前这一点尚未得到重视。
