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Learning from Asia: an APER collective response to the special issue on “Asia as Method”
Asia Pacific Education Review ( IF 1.823 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s12564-023-09875-9
Kevin Kester , Vandra Masemann , Keita Takayama , Ruth Hayhoe

This collective response paper concludes the Special Issue on “Revisiting ‘Asia as Method’ in Education Research: Toward Ontologies and Epistemologies of Difference.” The paper provides reflections, constructive critiques, and key learnings from individual papers and the Special Issue as a whole. A key feature of the paper is the dialogue and inter-referencing it fosters among and between the discussants, authors, and academic journals. As decolonization in education is an ongoing struggle, this paper is a call to continue the work for ontological and epistemic justice in/through higher education.


向亚洲学习:APER 对“亚洲作为方法”特刊的集体回应

