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Maternal, Perinatal, and Postnatal Predisposing Factors of Hearing Loss in Full-Term Children: A Matched Case-Control Study.
Neonatology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-15 , DOI: 10.1159/000530646
Pei-Chen Tsao , Hung-Chih Lin , Hsiao-Yu Chiu , Yu-Chia Chang

INTRODUCTION Studies on risk factors for childhood hearing loss (HL) are usually based on questionnaires or small sample sizes. We conducted a nationwide population-based case-control study to comprehensively analyze the maternal, perinatal, and postnatal risk factors for HL in full-term children. METHODS We retrieved data from three nationwide databases related to maternal characteristics, perinatal comorbidities, and postnatal characteristics and adverse events. We used 1:5 propensity score matching to include 12,873 full-term children with HL and 64,365 age-, sex-, and enrolled year-matched controls. Conditional logistic regression was used to evaluate the risk factors for HL. RESULTS Among the various maternal factors, maternal HL (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 8.09, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 7.16-9.16) and type 1 diabetes (aOR: 3.79, 95% CI: 1.98-7.24) had the highest odds of childhood hearing impairment. The major perinatal risk factors for childhood hearing impairment included ear malformations (aOR: 58.78, 95% CI: 37.5-92.0) and chromosomal anomalies (aOR: 6.70, 95% CI: 5.25-8.55), and the major postnatal risk factors included meningitis (aOR: 2.08, 95% CI: 1.18-3.67) and seizure (aOR: 3.71, 95% CI: 2.88-4.77). Other factors included acute otitis media, postnatal ototoxic drug use, and congenital infections. CONCLUSIONS Many risk factors for childhood HL identified in our study are preventable, such as congenital infection, meningitis, ototoxic drug use, and some maternal comorbidities. Accordingly, more effort is required to prevent and control the severity of maternal comorbidities during pregnancy, initiate genetic diagnostic evaluation for high-risk children, and aggressive screening for neonatal infections.



简介 对儿童听力损失 (HL) 危险因素的研究通常基于问卷调查或小样本量。我们开展了全国人群病例对照研究,全面分析足月儿HL的孕产妇、围产期和产后危险因素。方法 我们从三个全国数据库中检索了与母亲特征、围产期合并症、产后特征和不良事件相关的数据。我们使用 1:5 倾向评分匹配来纳入 12,873 名 HL 足月儿童和 64,365 名年龄、性别和入组年份匹配的对照组。使用条件逻辑回归来评估 HL 的危险因素。结果 在各种母亲因素中,母亲 HL(调整后比值比 [aOR]:8.09,95% 置信区间 [95% CI]:7.16-9.16)和 1 型糖尿病(aOR:3.79,95% CI:1.98-7.24)儿童时期出现听力障碍的几率最高。儿童听力障碍的主要围产期危险因素包括耳部畸形(aOR:58.78,95% CI:37.5-92.0)和染色体异常(aOR:6.70,95% CI:5.25-8.55),产后主要危险因素包括脑膜炎(aOR:2.08,95% CI:1.18-3.67)和癫痫发作(aOR:3.71,95% CI:2.88-4.77)。其他因素包括急性中耳炎、产后使用耳毒性药物和先天性感染。结论 我们的研究中发现的儿童 HL 的许多危险因素是可以预防的,例如先天性感染、脑膜炎、耳毒性药物的使用和一些孕产妇合并症。因此,需要加大力度预防和控制孕期孕产妇合并症的严重程度,启动高危儿童的基因诊断评估,并积极筛查新生儿感染。